Recreation N.B. | Loisirs N.-B. Recreation Facilities Committee
Recreation N.B. | Loisirs N.-B.’s Recreation Facilities Committee oversees the development, maintenance, and enhancement of recreational facilities across New Brunswick. By bringing together a diverse group of expert / professionals, the committee ensures that these facilities meet the highest standards of safety, accessibility, and sustainability, thereby promoting active lifestyle and community wellbeing for all New Brunswickers.
Inclusive Recreation Committee
Recreation NB | Loisirs N.-B.’s Inclusive Recreation Committee supports community efforts to break down barriers and connect individuals with a disability with recreation opportunities in New Brunswick. This committee strives to ensure that New Brunswick municipalities and recreation and sport organizations have the knowledge and resources necessary to develop and support these essential, health-promoting programs for individuals of all abilities.
The committee recognizes that “inclusive” is a broad term that has evolved over the years. We understand it as the aim to provide equitable access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. Acknowledging the value of inclusion for all underserved groups, this committee is focused on supporting inclusion for individuals with a disability.
The committee recognizes “recreation” as participation in physical, social, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual pursuits that enhance individual and community wellbeing.
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